The leader's legacy.
In the end the leader’s goal is to leave a lasting imprint.
What will you leave behind?
The leader unconcerned about leaving a legacy, is a leader who will leave the job undone.
Leadership that endures.
The leader’s goal is not only to last, but to endure.
We rightly admire things that last.
We may live in a culture of instant gratification and ever – shortening attention spans, but we still know enough, to admire what endures.
This is also true when it comes to leadership.
The leaders who make the biggest difference, are those with long tenure.
The moral virtues of leadership
Leadership and Morality are inseparable.
Leaders are involved in one of the most morally significant callings on earth, and nothing the leader touches, is without moral meaning and importance.
Our minds are constantly in a moral mode of thinking and reasoning. Our consciences demand attention, and we are continually observing others around us, for moral signals.
Laws and commandments are not enough, leaders require the possession and cultivation of certain moral virtues that allow leadership to happen.
If the leader does not demonstrate these essential virtues, disaster is certain.
Leaders are subject to the same laws, moral principles, and expectations as the rest of humanity, but the moral risks are far higher for them.
The Leader as Decision Maker.
Organisations expect many things from leaders, most of all, the trusted ability to decide.
Great leaders make big decisions, and effective leaders stand out, because they are both courageous and skilled, in making the right decisions repeatedly.
To be effective the leader, must earn the trust of the organisation and its stakeholders – making decisions and taking ownership of them.
Indecisiveness is one of history’s greatest leadership killers and great leaders cannot afford it.
Leadership and Stewardship
Leaders never lead for themselves; they are stewards, in service of another.
Leaders are called to convictional leadership, and that means a leadership that is defined by beliefs, which transforms the corporate space.
These beliefs determine everything else that is important to us.